Swiss Roll
Pre-heat oven to 175 °C - 350°F
Place eggs and sugar in the stand mixer. Begin slow and increase speed to high for 4 minutes maximum. It should become creamy, and you can draw the figure 8 easily. Once done, add vanilla essence using a spatula.
Add the flour through a sift in 2 parts, working with a spatula fold and mix the flour into the mixture.
Pour your mixture into the tray (that has baking paper) and evenly distribute it with a spatula.
Take to the oven and cook for 10 minutes
Straight after the cooking we will begin the rolling so that it is easier for the roll to maintain shape when we add the filling. Its important for the roll to be warm to work with it.
Grab your tea towel and sprinkle icing sugar around the area that the roll will be placed. This will prevent the roll from potentially sticking to the tea towel.
Once your tea towel is ready with icing sugar, turn and place the roll on it. Remove the baking paper on the roll. It is possible that the edges can stick the paper, you can use a knife along the edges to prevent breaking the roll.
Using the tea towel, gently start rolling the roll completely and let stand for about half an hour.
Now it is time to move to the filling of the Swiss roll.
Unwrap the roll from the tea towel and move the Swiss roll to a new piece of baking paper.
From here we will add our Dulce de Leche filling, evenly spread along the whole Swiss roll. No need to hit the edges, leave about 1 cm from the edges.
Slowly begin rolling and pressing the Swiss roll using your fingers with the baking paper. Make your way down through the whole roll.
To make sure the Swiss roll is tightly wrapped we will use a dough scrapper along the end of the baking paper.
For the last portion you can choose to leave the Swiss roll on the baking paper it already is in or move it to a fresh paper or even move it to the plate that it will be served on.
We want to apply a thin layer or Dulce de Leche to the exterior of the Swiss roll so that the coconut can stick to.
Let the Swiss roll sit in the fridge for a couple of hours (5 or 6) before cutting to make sure it maintains shape as much as possible when cutting.